$197.00 USD

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Control Your Cum

Your Transformation Begins with the Transaction

You are CHOOSING you. By beginning Control Your Cum, you've leaned into your courage. Ready to look beneath the symptoms at the root cause to finally shift this. Join the 1,000+ men who have gone down this path of recovery with Transform Pelvic Health. Your transformation begins today. I'll see you inside!

In strength, Michael

Recap of What You'll Get

The Prejac Masterclass  (see what is behind your PE and the path to changing it)

✅ The Conscious Masturbation Practice (uncouple sex with “ejaculate-every-time” and step away from a porn addiction)

✅ The Couple’s Pre-Sex Connect Breathwork (experience arousal with breath-control as you deeply connect with your lover

Last Longer Cheat Sheet (a quick reminder of what leads to great sex, taking the pressure off)

Anxiety Chill Pill Meditation (turn around downward mental spirals and pause the monkey mind)

✅ Last Longer Guarantee (by integrating the teachings and the tools, you will see positive results (or your money back)

Last Longer OR IT’S FREE! (for real)

Control Your Cum is designed to give you meaningful, positive results. Integrate the complete program with full commitment for 60 days, and if you don’t get positive results, we will give you a full refund. Our conditions: we ask that you implement the teachings, and can show that you did so. Because we know that if you give it 100%, you’ll see positive changes.