7 Day Kickstart to YOUR Sexual Strength
Power Up Your Pelvic Floor. Get Hard. Last Long.
"I suffered from extremely frustrating prejac and weak erections for years - I created this program so that you don't have to waste years of your life figuring out what works."
Michael Hodge, Co-Creator of Vigor

Erection and performance issues are common. Nearly half of men by the age of 35 year will have struggled with erection issues*
Don’t go another day...
...with weak erections stopping you from enjoying sex
...feeling isolated because no one understands what is happening
...coming faster than you want lacking control of your body
...depending on pills and not addressing the root cause
...feeling like less of a man
I created Vigor Sexual Strength with Dr. Brianne Grogan, a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a focus on addressing the root cause. In this 7 Day Free program, you will kickstart your sexual strength.
*Source: Stressed-out British guys struggling in the bedroom. [online] Cooppharmacy.coop. Available at: <https://www.cooppharmacy.coop/blog/mens-health2/stressed-out-british-guys-struggling-in-the-bedroom/>

How to Power Up Your Pelvic Floor and Transform Your Sex

If you don’t know your body, how can you change it? You will learn how to identify your own anatomy and become more consciously aware of your sexual energy.

Your body wants to move and needs to move, so let it! By incorporating scientifically designed movement routines with proper breathing, our routines help you to release and then rebuild.

What you eat influences your entire body — especially your pelvic floor. The gut is intimately connected to pelvic health. Modifications in your diet to reduce inflammation can increase circulation.

The real needle-mover is creating a mental shift. By shifting anxiety and negative thought patterns into an inner landscape of positivity, you are able to rewire neural networks that lead to dysfunction and lack of control.
Program Designer & Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Bri Has Been Featured In

Included in
Your Free 7 Day REV-UP
to Sexual Strength
Welcome and How it Works
You will be introduced to the Sexual Strength challenge and the overarching formula for returning to vigor, control, and satisfaction. -
Foundations of Sexual Strength
Learn the basics of strength + relaxation, rewiring meditations, and sexual practices that you will be doing during the 2 week challenge. -
Movement Routines
You will do a scientifically-designed movement routine each day in the challenge. These are 15 minutes or less, and they target the pelvic floor and surrounding muscle groups. -
Rewiring Meditations
Follow along with a short 5 minute rewiring meditation, which drops you into the subconscious to directly change the operating system of your nervous system. -
Blood Flow Boost
Blood flow boosts are simple practices to increase the circulation throughout your body, including your pelvic floor. These techniques help to improve the flow of energy as well. -
Sexual Practice
The sexual practice will help to rewire the brain to your body, so that you are more present with the breath, with the pleasure, and less pressured by the outcome of orgasm for your partner or yourself.
๐ If you have pelvic pain/tension/CPPS, we recommend doing the Overcome Pelvic Pain 7 Day Kickstart first, before Vigor.

"Finally a program that specifically targets ED specific issues relating to pelvic floor dysfunction! Stick with the program and you too will see results!"
Zachary Gualardo, USA

YES! I'm Ready for Powerful Sex!
Get started with your free 7 Day Sexual Strength Challenge right now. No credit card is required.
No strings attached. Once the full Vigor Sexual Strength 8 Week program launches, we will notify you, and you can join if you'd like!

No Credit Card Required

Dr. Brianne Grogan
Doctor of Physical Therapy & Vigor Program Designer
With over 280,000 subscribers (and counting!) on YouTube, articles featured on MindBodyGreen, and a 5-star reviewed podcast and book, Dr. Bri is a leading voice in the field of health and wellness. She is loved by her viewers for her down-to-earth, compassionate approach and for making pelvic floor fitness fun, mainstream, and accessible.
Bri graduated as a Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2006 from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. Inspired by her own pregnancy and postpartum experiences, she specialized in women's health PT. She is a leading advocate for a holistic approach to pelvic health for men and women.
Why I'd Fully Commit for the Next 7 Days
I want you to experience the truth that YOU CAN and YOU WILL overcome this. You don't have to live with this incredible frustration. The embarrassment, the shame, the weakness, the loss of energy and vitality. I was there for years. Why can't I control my own body and last as long as I desire to actually bring my partner to orgasm? Why can't I get hard erections...what is the basis of this weakness? From tears to frustration to ups and downs...this led me down a path of discovery. I know what it feels like to go from internal pain (and physical pain) to victorious connection, an upward spiral of ecstasy, and presence in my own body.
I'm not even asking you to commit to the 8 week program. But, what about 7 days? Can you give me (really, yourself) your best for 7 days? It is not about trying really hard. It is about consistency, willpower, and the eagerness and anticipation of being fully embodied. It is about waking up excited every morning to do the movement routine. It is about patting yourself on the back when you catch yourself thinking a cyclical thought about your pain, or how long it has been here, or how it came about. It is about knowing that you are changing, and that you are doing a great job. You are taking the steps to be there. You deserve to have your sex life back. Actually not just your like it used to be — but an entirely new way of being and experiencing your sexual energy. An overcomer has been battle-tested and comes out on the other end with so much gratitude and zest for life, that they're unstoppable whenever they come up against adversity. Let's do this, together!