Get Your Ticket ā†’

Discover the Root Cause of Your Chronic Issues and Let Them Go at This Retreat

Stop everything and find the core of your symptoms in silence in this 2 day online retreat.

Discover the Root Cause of Your Chronic Issues and Let Them Go at This Retreat

Stop everything and find the core of your symptoms in silence in this 2 day online retreat.

ā€œThis retreat was amazing. I currently feel much less tension and am ready to use what I learned and practiced to live a great life. Helped me to open my heart and release tension.ā€

-Nikolai, Overcome Retreat Attendee

ā€œI worked with Michael for 4 days in person, and by the end of it I was a completely different person. My pain went down about 75% in just those 4 days alone."

-Evan, Overcome Retreat Attendee

Go from Understanding to EXPERIENCING

Itā€™s not enough to know. More podcasts, more youtube videos, more booksā€¦that only takes you so far. This 2 day retreat is about FEELING. It is beyond thought. Thinking canā€™t get you there. If it could, you would already be healed. Thinking so much is part of the problem. Michael will guide you for 2 days with the group surrounding you on Zoom, with meditations, breathwork, and emotional releases.

JulyĀ 13th - 14thĀ  šŸŒžĀ  Online (via Zoom)

8 am - 8 pm CST each day

Michael will be there for you for 2 days straight, with the group around you. You will be 100% present, off-the-grid from your normal life.

The direct path to overcoming your chronic issues.

This retreat is for you if you are ready to go straight to the core of what is creating your chronic pain/dysfunction.

Come to this retreat to deeply relax, release, and reset your body.


Come if you want to interrupt the mindā€™s patterns and bodyā€™s symptoms.


Gain the wisdom of Michaelā€™s guidance and support, with a small group of amazing people.
If you are done ā€œtrying to healā€ ā€” meditating, journaling, stretching...

Come to kickstart your recovery or overcome a plateau if you have been stuck.

Not About Learning Something New, But Feeling the Old

This retreat isnā€™t about learning more concepts. Concepts keep you in the mind. I will help you go beneath the conscious mind to feel what is old. To feel what has been stuck there. The repressed emotions, memories, trauma, attachmentsā€¦when you fully feel theseā€¦they pass through and your brain no longer has a reason to create the symptoms.

What You Can Expect


Explore the Root Causes

Michael will guide you through guided meditations, silent sits, and emotional discovery practices to help you illuminate the deep subconscious matter that can create chronic symptoms.

Restorative Yoga + Movement Sessions

Each day, we will get in some health movement via a flowing yoga class. As a Certified Yoga Instructor, Michael will craft unique and potent sessions built for balance and harmony.

Meditations + Breathwork

Go deeper than ever before with guided meditations and breathwork practices. Calm the nervous system, go into the subconscious mind, and release habit patterns of the mind.

Root Cause Release Sessions

Revealing your root causes is one thing, but another is to fully feel them. To not run away, put up resistance, or go into distraction. These sessions help liberate stuck energy.

Fully Guided Schedule

You donā€™t have to plan anything. Just follow the schedule on Saturday and Sunday. You will turn on Zoom and follow along throughout the retreat sessions, along with breaks for eating and rest.


There will be a few opportunities to discuss what is happening within you and get assistance during the retreat. You will be fully supported and cared for throughout this process.

Are You Finished With Chronic Pain and Dysfunction Being a Part of Your Identity?

The 2 Day Root Cause Release Retreat will INTERRUPT the pattern of fear, pain, and dysfunction.

Replacing it with ease, balance, and harmony.

When You Turn Down the Volume, You Can Hear the Message.

While attending this retreat, you will be in conditions of ā€œno distraction:ā€

šŸ™… No communication with anyoneĀ 
(unless in the retreat)

šŸ™…Ā No phoneĀ 
(unless you need it for Zoom)

šŸ™…Ā No TV, music, books, consuming information

šŸ™…Ā No work

Notify those around you that you will be 100% present in the retreat for the two days. This is an essential aspect to why it works. By cutting off the normal mind patterns, you can go much deeper than normal to feel what needs to be felt.

"It felt really good being in a community of people who dealt with similar issues to mine and were ready to dive deep on this. The concepts really solidified our path forward in healing."

-Art, Overcome Retreat Attendee

ā€œThe retreat helped me to feel my emotions and be present while in meditation.Ā I feel like the retreat was a huge boost in my healing journey.ā€

-Manny, Overcome Retreat Attendee

Michael Hodge

šŸ‘‹Ā  Your Retreat Guide

After dealing with 5 years of severe chronic pelvic pain, Michael was guided to create a program that would help other men recover much quicker. By partnering with Dr. Brianne Grogan; they created the mind-body informed Overcome Pelvic + Urinary Issues program.

Michaelā€™s mind-body health YouTube videos have received over 3,000,000 views. He has helped over 1,000 clients get back to living life through his programs. He has hosted 20 retreats to this point, offering deep transformational experiences (combining his background in yoga, meditation, mind-body science, breathwork). He also likes to produce dancy, conscious EDM while sipping on a kombucha.

2 Day Retreat Experience

It's time to live life again.
Letā€™s do this together.
  • 2 Day Guided Schedule

  • Ā Group Guided Meditations

  • Ā Root Cause Releases

  • Ā Q & A Sessions

  • Ā Restorative Yoga Classes

  • Ā Post-Retreat Guidance

  • Ā Work Closely with Michael

  • Ā Interrupt Your Patterns



Retreat Ticket + On-Site Lodging

There is one bedroom available
at Love Garden.

For lodging the nights of
May 15-19 (5 nights) and food.

One Payment



Frequently Asked Questions

*NOTE: *NOTE: The retreat is not a substitute for individualized medical treatment; contact a physician in your area for one-on-one evaluation and a personalized treatment plan.

Itā€™s So Crazy, You Donā€™t Have to Do Anythingā€¦

A few months ago I did a 5 day solo, silent meditation retreat. My conditioned mind DEFINITELY did not want to do it. It likes to stay busy. To think, to plan, to fantasize about the future. A few days in, I felt tremendous energy releases that are difficult to describe, and was experiencing larger and larger gaps of no-thought. The biggest takeaway was so clear. You donā€™t have to do anything, and it all happens.

When you STOP the doing, and lean into beingā€”thereā€™s the magic. This is what Iā€™ve seen happen to attendees of my retreats too. The fixing, figuring out, trying to heal is so much work, gosh thatā€™s so much resistance. If you finally let the dust settle, you can hear the message your body has been trying to tell you. Many people just scrape the surface with 15 minute meditations or journalingā€¦but when you stop everything for two days, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, it becomes revealed and can be felt.

Some people are not willing to do this, they would rather stay on the hamster wheel of the mind trying to fix it. The thoughts and repetitive patterns ARE THE PROBLEM. You have to stop engaging in them to feel the subconscious patterns from the past that have been running the show beneath the surface. This is your invitation to let go and free yourself. See you soon!

Transform Men’s Pelvic Health programs are not a substitute for individualized medical treatment; contact a physician and/or physical therapist in your area for one-on-one evaluation and a personalized treatment plan.